This all started with the simple idea to clear the brush and woods behind our house. After some pondering I came home with 2 little baby fainting goats for our small 1/3 acre, in town yard. I had no idea what was to happen to my perspective on farming as a lifestyle! In a nutshell, It's been serendipitous ever since!
I unintentionally stumbled into the most rewarding experiences of my life...
I want to change the mindset towards the American culture's view of producing their own food, energy, ect. It is so rewarding and totally doable!
Why are Fainting Goats named the "Best Backyard Goat"?
Fainting goats are not only known for their calm, friendly disposition, but are also able to be easily contained and are less destructable to personal property due to their "condition".
Our goats are a smaller strain of Myotonic goat that many people keep as pets, weedeaters, dairy, meat, or raise to harvest cashmere hair, and are registered in the Myotonic Goat Registry (MGR). Since their breed is listed as threatened by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy they have not been overbred and are therefore more parasite and disease resistant. Making them great for first time owners. With some basic shelter and fencing you can have an entertaining, unique, weedeating machine right in your own backyard!